There are homeless people all around us, some are without a physical home and others are without a spiritual home. This passage reminds us that even Jesus was homeless. Even Jesus was cast out and turned away. Whether we are welcoming those without a physical home or confronting our own need to find a spiritual home in Christ, this week we claim the reality of a new home as followers of Jesus. To claim our home in the Kingdom requires us to let go of our former home and look toward our home with God.
Sunday, August 25, 2024 “The Homeless”
From The Pastor
While it doesn’t feel like it outside, fall is just around the corner. Football will be starting this weekend and we are actively planning our fall activities. This is always our busiest time of the year. Our next potluck will be Sunday, September 29, more details coming soon. We have a pumpkin patch and fall festival in October. We have our food drive in November. From an office perspective, we are in charge of conference paperwork season. I love this time of year because this is when I see everyone pull together to help in these ministries.
We have a few more weeks in our Outsiders sermon series and then we will begin a series Bishop Berlin has asked all churches to preach this year. It is called Wesleyan Rooted. We will look at what makes us unique as United Methodists.
As a result of taking this journey together, you will gain a renewed understanding of our Wesleyan theology of sanctification and grace. Your heart will be filled with a rekindled sense of God’s love at work in and through you. And you will have greater motivation to follow the spiritual practices that will lead you to transformation in Christ. The result will be a clearer and more passionate desire to engage in the missional work of making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.
Church Center App

Church Center – Our new church management software is called Church Center. Please download the application on your phone. We will be transitioning our church-wide communication to this method.
Upcoming Events
- Bible Study lessons will begin on Monday, 9/9 at 2nd Bay Brewing at 6:30pm
- Daily Bible Readings begin 9/1, let us know if you would like to contribute
- T.L.C. Youth Group meets every Sunday 6:30-7:30 except for 5th Sunday
- 6:12 Youth Group (Tuesday night group) will pause for the summer
- 8/25 Diaper Party to welcome Baby Girl Walker after worship
- 8/27 SPRC Meeting at 6:30
- 9/1 Daily Bible Studies via email begin again
- 9/7 Pumpkin Patch Clean Up Days 8:00am-12:00pm
- 9/8 additional Clean Up Day, if needed 11:00am-2:00pm
- 9/9 Monday evening Bible Study at 2nd Bay Brewing at 6:30pm
- 9/29 Church Potluck after worship
- 9/29 Fifth Sunday Offering for Residing Hope Children’s Home
Congratulations Mandy Yates!
We all know how great Mandy is but now everyone on Facebook knows! Congratulations, Coach Mandy for being named Cross Country and Track and Field Coach of the Year! We are so proud of you!

21st Annual Pumpkin Patch News
The following dates are set up for pumpkin patch grounds clean up, set up, taken down, and pumpkin delivery. Mark your calendars. There is also a printed hard copy sign-up to work the patch and t-shirt request in a binder at the welcome table/children check-in. T-shirt orders need to be ordered by September 1.
Talk with Becky if you are interested in volunteering or for more information.
9/7 Saturday, Clean Up Day 8:00am-12:00pm
9/8 Sunday, Clean Up (if needed) 11-2
9/14 Saturday, 8-12pm set up (pallets, lights & tents)
9/25 Wednesday, Pumpkin Delivery 4:30
10/16 Wednesday, Second Pumpkin Delivery 4:30
11/2 Saturday, Patch Take Down 8-12pm
11/3 Sunday, Patch Take Down 11-1pm
District Meetings – Registration
Let us know if you will be attending HERE
Youth Updates – Volunteers Needed
Isaiah House
Isaiah House is in need of gender neutral clothing sizes 7-10 (underwear, socks, shorts, shirts, pajamas, etc). Items can be dropped off here and Becky will deliver.
Opportunities to Serve
Seeking volunteers for Nursery, Preschool, Children’s Sunday School age, and Youth! Talk to Kayla and let’s get you set up!
HUGS Food Assistance for St. Johns County Youth Contact Margaret Campbell
Birthdays and Anniversaries
Jerry Smith – August 7
Zoe Yates – August 14
Rajeania Snider – August 15
Addyson Kane – August 17
Maureen Haugen – August 17
Larry DeLeury – August 19
Luke Wentzel – August 24
Zia Mosal – August 28
Vallis and Kenny Henley – August 12
Karen and Nathan Clem – August 12
Lori and Jeff Hendel – August 16