Nursery services are offered during Sunday service starting at 9:30 am.
Students in grades K-5th can join us for Children’s Church offered during Sunday service starting at 9:30am.
Our children’s church follows a carefully selected curriculum to help deepen their love and understanding in Christ in a fun and loving environment.
River of Life T.L.C. Youth is open to all kids in grades 5-12.
We meet on Sunday evenings from 6:30-7:30 pm discussing different topics and how we can apply our understanding of God in our daily lives.
Youth group is not offered on 5th Sundays.

Volunteers Needed
We rely on volunteers to staff our nursery on Sunday’s and to meet our Child Protection Policy for all our groups and events.
If you are interested in volunteering in our Nursery or with any of our other youth programs, please reach out to Kayla Hull at