Jesus teaches “many things” from a boat to a crowd that has gathered on the seashore. He teaches in parables, including the parable of the sower — “let everyone with ears to hear listen!” We often associate discipleship with “doing” — and certainly that is part of it. But we must also return time and again to the Teacher at the sea who offers us the stories that encourage, challenge, provoke and confuse. We are to be thinking and discerning disciples who act out of understanding and compassion.
Sunday, January 26, 2025
“Discipleship by the Sea – Listen”
Behind the Curtain (Formerly From the Pastor)
Upcoming Events
- 2/19 Wednesday morning Bible Study at 10am
- 2/21 Teen Sync LGBTQ Group 6-8pm
- 2/23 T.L.C. Youth 6:30-7:30pm
- 2/24 Monday evening Bible Study at Don Juan’s at 6:30pm
- 2/26 Wednesday morning Bible Study at 10
- 3/1 Spring Clean Up Day 9-1pm, meet at fire pit 9am!
- 3/2 Outreach Meeting after worship
- 3/2 New Member Luncheon after worship, please RSVP through the app or talk with Pastor Steve
- 3/5 Ash Wednesday drop in for quiet meditation and imposition of ashes from 4-6pm in sanctuary
- 3/9 Bible Study will move to Sunday after worship through Lent. No Monday or Wednesday lesson until after Easter.
- 3/17-3/21 Youth Mission Trip to Hendersonville, NC, space still available, sign up with Kayla
- 3/30 Fifth Sunday Offering with Pot Luck after service
- 4/12 ROL Spring Carnival
New Member Luncheon
If you are interested in becoming a member of River of Life or have any questions, please see Pastor Steve and RSVP here!
Spring Cleanup Day
March 1st 9-1pm
Meet Nathan at the Fire Pit at 9:00!
Online Bible Study
Everyone welcome to join the online Bible Readings as we journey through the Book of Psalms. This is a 2 part series, Psalms 1-75 and then 76-150….5 chapters per week. You can join at any time and if you get behind, just skip to where we are! For those of you already in the Online studies, I will send you the next links. For anyone that wants to join, please reach out to stellakaypainter@gmail.com. March 1, 9am-1pm
Youth News

Opportunities to Serve
Seeking volunteers for Nursery, Preschool, Children’s Sunday School age, and Youth! Talk to Kayla and let’s get you set up!
HUGS Food Assistance for St. Johns County Youth Contact Margaret Campbell
Birthdays and Anniversaries
Peg Ritter – February 1
Monica Riley – February 3
Derrick Snider – February 4
Greg Kimball – February 5
Jianna Jonathan – February 9
Anastasia Murphy – February 12
Sarah Aker – February 14
Stella Painter – February 21
Jennifer Kane – February 25
Michael Murphy – February 26
Please let us know if you are celebrating an Anniversary this February.