River Of Life Family,
As we head toward the end of 2024, I would like to share with you some changes that will be made to the structure of the Leadership Council of our church. For the past few years, we have been operating the business of our church on a traditional leadership model that is comprised of a Finance Committee, a Trustees Committee, a Staff Parish Relations Committee (SPRC), and an over-arching Church Council.
In September, Our Nominations committee met to complete its annual task, which is to “nominate” the new class of leaders who would begin their terms in 2025. When we looked at our vacancies on paper, and the number of available names, we simply didn’t have enough names to fill the open slots on our committees.
We decided to examine an alternate model to church leadership which is called the One Board Leadership Structure. One Board is a more streamlined leadership model. This is not the first time that River of Life has either recommended or employed the One Board approach.
The use of this streamlined leadership structure is in accordance with the United Methodist Book of Discipline, and has been approved, as recommended by our current Church Council, by our District Superintendent and the Bishop.
Instead of requiring a minimum of 6 members in pairs of rotating annual classes on each of the three main committees, the 2025 Church Council (or the One Board) will also fulfill the disciplinary functions of Trustees, Finance, and Staff-Parish Relations Committees. Therefore, 12 people can meet once a month and accomplish the business that required four groups to meet monthly for the past few years.
I have a great deal of confidence in this direction for the leadership of this church. We have a Spirit-Led group of leaders who want to work together to fulfill the will of God for River of Life. We are living into our breakthrough prayer, “Show us how to focus our efforts to love our God and to love our neighbors, in alignment with your will.”
I am excited to see what God has in store for this next chapter for River Of Life!
If anyone has any questions, please feel free to reach out to me in person, by phone, text, or email.
Your Lay Leader,
Rick Kane
On the way to Bethlehem, we travel to Jerusalem. The Temple is the site of the dramatic high point of Zechariah and Elizabeth’s story of waiting so long for prayer to be answered. As Zechariah carries out priestly duties and Elizabeth waits outside with others, the usual and customary becomes anything but ordinary. An angelic messenger reveals a divine plan that leaves Zechariah literally speechless. This week we ask “what are we waiting for?” and we learn that what happens within us while we wait is as important as the outcome. Can we be at peace–work for peace–“live peaceably”–even while waiting?
Sunday, December 8, 2024
“Jerusalem – A Place of Waiting (Peace)”
From The Pastor
Upcoming Events
- 12/4 Wednesday morning Bible Study at ROL at 10am
- 12/5 New Teen LGBTQ Group 1st and 3rd Thursday, 6-8pm starting December 5
- 12/7 Women’s Christmas Party at Melinda’s home 6:00pm, bring a dish to share and a $10 ornament to exchange if you would like to play
- 12/8 Gingerbread Kid Gifts due back to the church
- 12/9 Monday evening Bible Study at Urban Back 40 Restaurant at 6:30pm
- 12/10 Young Adult LGBTQA+ Group 4-6pm at ROL every 2nd Tuesday
- 12/11 Wednesday morning Bible Study at ROL at 10am
- 12/11 Young Adult LGBTQA+ Group 11-1pm at ROL every 2nd Wednesday
- 12/19 New Teen LGBTQ Group 1st and 3rd Thursday 6-8pm
- 12/29 Fifth Sunday Children’s Home Collection
Staff Appreciation
Greetings River of Life Family,
On behalf of the Staff Parish Relations Committee at ROL I would like to ask you to contribute to our Love offering for our Pastor and our Staff members. During the Holiday season we want to make sure to show our affection and appreciation to Pastor Steve Painter, Kayla Hull, our Director of Youth and Children, Amy Bacon, our Administrator, and Bill Melrose, our Worship Leader.
We will be receiving this offering until December 19th. If you donate in Church, please mark your donation “Staff Gifts”. If you give online, please put “Staff Gift” in the comments.
This is just one way we can appreciate those in leadership for us. Please feel free to express your personal appreciation with a special gift, card, note or message also.
Thank you,
Mandy Yates
SPRC Chairperson
Women’s Christmas Party

Register on Church Center Signups
Advent Online Bible Study
As we enter the season of Advent, we will embark on a 27 day devotional called “Postures of Advent”. If you are already connected to our online program, you will get an invitation to start the Advent devotional on December 1st. If you aren’t connected, and would like to join, please reach out to Stella via stellakaypainter@gmail.com and we will get you connected!
Starting in January, we will be spending some time in the Psalms. More to come on that one!
Gingerbread Kids
Gingerbread Kids will be ready for members of our congregation to sponsor on November 17 and November 24. The unwrapped gifts must be returned to the church by December 8 and Christine will deliver them to the St Johns County Family Integrity Program on December 9. We will be sponsoring 30 children this year!!!
Children and Youth

Isaiah House
Isaiah House is in need of gender neutral clothing sizes 7-10 (underwear, socks, shorts, shirts, pajamas, etc). Items can be dropped off here and Becky will deliver.
Opportunities to Serve
Seeking volunteers for Nursery, Preschool, Children’s Sunday School age, and Youth! Talk to Kayla and let’s get you set up!
HUGS Food Assistance for St. Johns County Youth Contact Margaret Campbell
Birthdays and Anniversaries
Fonda Mosal – December 5
Marianne Stephens – December 10
Miles Yates – December 14
Adam Welborn – December 21
Mike Aderhold – December 24
Jackson Kane – December 25
Pam Bell – December 26
Buddy O’Toole – December 28
Mandy and Brian Yates – December 7
Rajeania and Derrik Snider – December 20