Each of the prior themes leads to the culminating idea that we are to serve others and impact the world. Because God’s grace is a lifelong journey, and because love is a verb that should be shared with all people, we are called and equipped to make a difference in the world. God invites us to partner in God’s mission of love. As Wesleyan Christians, therefore, we assume the Christlike posture of a servant. We keep our eyes open to God’s activity around us and join in the practice of shalom—acts of compassion and justice in the peaceable reign of Christ.
Sunday, October 13, 2024
“Serve Impactfully”
From The Pastor
Hurricane Helene’s impact and the upcoming Hurricane Milton, the need for these supplies is extreme. UMCOR keeps a warehouse of these cleaning kits, however the need has exceeded the supply. Below you will find a list of items for the cleaning kit. You can create an entire cleaning kit or select a couple of items and we can bring all the items together and create cleaning kits. Let’s see how many kits we can put together.
Here is the list of supplies:
- One five gallon bucket with resealable lid (14.35×12.19×12.19)
- No screw lids
- May be used, but must be free from all residual product
- One 32-64oz. Bottle liquid laundry detergent
- One 16-40 oz. Bottle of liquid concentrate household cleaners
- No spray cleaners
- One 16-34 oz. Bottle dish soap
- One 4-8 oz. Pump spray air freshener (liquid, not gel)
- One 6-14 oz. Pump spray insect repellent (pack of 10-0 wipes are acceptable)
- One scrub brush
- 18 re-usable cleaning wipes
- No terrycloth, microfiber or paper towels
- Remove from packaging
- Five scouring pads
- No stainless-steel pads with soap in them
- Remove from packaging
- 36-50 clothes pins
- One 50-100 ft. clothesline (cotton or plastic)
- 24 roll of heavy-duty trash bags (33-45-gallon sizes)
- Remove from packaging
- Five N95 particulate respirator dust masks (1-3 mm thickness)
- No surgical masks
- Two pairs kitchen gloves
- Durable for multiple uses
- Remove from packaging
- One pair work gloves
- Cotton with leather palm or all leather
Assembly Instructions: All items must be new with the exception of the bucket and lid. All Cleaning agents must be liquid, powders are not accepted.
Pastor Steve
Church Center App

Church Center – Our new church management software is called Church Center. Please download the application on your phone. We will be transitioning our church-wide communication to this method.
Upcoming Events
- 10/9 New LGBTQA+ Group 11-1pm at ROL every 2nd Tuesday and 2nd Wednesday
- 10/13 T.L.C. Youth Group 6:30-7:30pm
- 10/14 Office Closed for Columbus Day
- 10/14 Evening Bible Study at 2nd Bay Brewing Co. at 6:30pm
- 10/15 Church Council Meeting at 6:30pm
- 10/16 Wednesday morning Bible Study at ROL 10:00am
- 10/16 second pumpkin delivery at 4:30, come help unload
- 10/20 T.L.C. Youth Group 6:30-7:30pm
- 10/22 SPRC Meeting at 6:30pm
- 10/23 Mid-Week Chill, 2nd & 4th Wednesday each month 1:00-3:00pm
- 10/26 Fall Festival noon-4pm, volunteers needed contact Melinda at (904)537-4182
- 10/27 T.L.C. Youth Group 6:30-7:30pm
- 11/9 Women’s Fall Social at Stella’s Home, 2-4pm
- 11/12 6:12 Youth returns with MUMC and Longleaf, 2nd & 4th Tuesday, 6-8:30p
Ladies Fall Social
Save the Date: Women’s Fall Social on November 9th from 2-4pm at Stella’s home! If you love to bake pies or cobblers, please reach out to Stella in advance (stellakaypainter@gmail.com or 904-210-4784). More details to come!
21st Annual Pumpkin Patch News
The following dates are set up for pumpkin patch grounds clean up, set up, taken down, and pumpkin delivery. Mark your calendars. There is also a printed hard copy sign-up to work the patch and t-shirt request in a binder at the welcome table/children check-in. T-shirt orders need to be ordered by September 1.
Talk with Becky if you are interested in volunteering or for more information.
9/25 Wednesday, Pumpkin Delivery 4:30
9/26 Pumpkin Patch Opens!
10/16 Wednesday, Second Pumpkin Delivery 4:30
11/2 Saturday, Patch Take Down 8-12pm
11/3 Sunday, Patch Take Down 11-1pm

90 Day Bible Study

Youth Updates – Volunteers Needed

Isaiah House
Isaiah House is in need of gender neutral clothing sizes 7-10 (underwear, socks, shorts, shirts, pajamas, etc). Items can be dropped off here and Becky will deliver.
Opportunities to Serve
Seeking volunteers for Nursery, Preschool, Children’s Sunday School age, and Youth! Talk to Kayla and let’s get you set up!
HUGS Food Assistance for St. Johns County Youth Contact Margaret Campbell
Birthdays and Anniversaries
Sweena Kallupurackal – October 5
Sean Dalton – October 6
Pam Lockwood – October 6
Derek Rivers – October 8
Alison Courtney – October 13
Madison Courtney – October 13
Austin Collazo – October 20
Bill Melrose – October 23
Nathan Clem – October 29
Maureen and Jim Haugen – October 4
Peg and Bob Ritter – October 9