God’s creative activity is described as an ongoing active force for good. Rather than fashioning us of something that could not change, the biblical metaphor is that we are fashioned of clay, a malleable substance that can be reshaped again and again.
When life requires change of us, let us embrace our ability to roll with it,
for we were made for this!
Sunday, October 27, 2024
“We Were Made For This”
From The Pastor
Fall Festival and Emmaus
Saturday is our fall festival. I am so excited that we have three schools coming this year. That means we will have more people that we can love on and show them how awesome River of Life is. We talk about being a family and loving our neighbors. This is one of the events we do that really shows how much we love our community.
The Walk to Emmaus. This past weekend Kayla went on the Walk to Emmaus. It reminded me of how important my weekend was to who I am today and especially its role in my calling to ministry. The weekend is three days where you are covered in God’s love and you are surrounded by people who are looking to take their faith to a new level of understanding. If you feel called to attend an Emmaus weekend I would love to have a conversation with you. If you want to know more, here is a link for you. https://floridacrownemmaus.com/what-is-the-walk-to-emmaus/
Church Center App

Church Center – Our new church management software is called Church Center. Please download the application on your phone. We will be transitioning our church-wide communication to this method.
Upcoming Events
- 10/23 Mid-Week Chill, 2nd & 4th Wednesday each month 1:00-3:00pm
- 10/26 Fall Festival noon-4pm, volunteers needed contact Melinda at (904) 537-4182, get your shirt on Saturday when you arrive.
- 10/27 T.L.C. Youth Group 6:30-7:30pm
- 10/28 Evening Bible Study at 6:30pm, moving to Urban Back 40 in Publix shopping center SR 13
- 11/9 Women’s Fall Social at Stella’s home, 2-4pm, please RSVP
- 11/10 Food Drive bag donation drop off throughout JCP neighborhoods, help needed
- 11/12 New LGBTQA+ Group 11-1pm at ROL every 2nd Tuesday and 2nd Wednesday
- 11/12 6:12 Youth returns with MUMC and Longleaf, 2nd & 4th Tuesday, 6-8:30pm
- 11/17 Food Drive bag donation pick up throughout JCP neighborhoods, help needed
- 11/17 JCE Thanksgiving Basket items due to church
- 12/8 Gingerbread Kid Gifts due back to the church
Fall Food Drive – Pat Cleghorn is leading up the food drive. If you can help drop off (11/10) and pick up (11/17) donation bags throughout the JCP neighborhoods, please see Pat or email pcleghorn@comcast.net. Sign up Genius will be available shortly.
Ladies Fall Social
Save the Date: Women’s Fall Social on November 9th from 2-4pm at Stella’s home! If you love to bake pies or cobblers, please reach out to Stella in advance (stellakaypainter@gmail.com or 904-210-4784). More details to come!
21st Annual Pumpkin Patch News
Volunteer Opportunities Available. We also offer service hours. Talk with Becky if you would like more information.
11/3 Sunday, Patch Take Down 11-1pm
11/2 Saturday, Patch Take Down 8-12pm

Performances by Fruit Cove Jazz Band, JCE Chorus, Bartram Springs Treble Makers, and One Time Only. Volunteers needed for set up, clean up, parking, bounce houses, wrapping burgers/dogs, food tent, popcorn, sno cones, and trash. If you would like to volunteer, please call Melinda Melrose at 904-537-4182. Volunteer shirts will be ready on Saturday, see Melinda to get yours.
90 Day Bible Study

Gingerbread Kids
Gingerbread Kids will be ready for members of our congregation to sponsor on November 17 and November 24. The unwrapped gifts must be returned to the church by December 8 and Christine will deliver them to the St Johns County Family Integrity Program on December 9. We will be sponsoring 30 children this year!!!
Youth Updates – Volunteers Needed

Isaiah House
Isaiah House is in need of gender neutral clothing sizes 7-10 (underwear, socks, shorts, shirts, pajamas, etc). Items can be dropped off here and Becky will deliver.
Opportunities to Serve
Seeking volunteers for Nursery, Preschool, Children’s Sunday School age, and Youth! Talk to Kayla and let’s get you set up!
HUGS Food Assistance for St. Johns County Youth Contact Margaret Campbell
Birthdays and Anniversaries
Sweena Kallupurackal – October 5
Sean Dalton – October 6
Pam Lockwood – October 6
Derek Rivers – October 8
Alison Courtney – October 13
Madison Courtney – October 13
Austin Collazo – October 20
Bill Melrose – October 23
Nathan Clem – October 29
Maureen and Jim Haugen – October 4
Peg and Bob Ritter – October 9