Sermons by Pastor Steve Painter (Page 3)
Grow Deeply
This week we begin a new sermon series called Wesleyan Rooted. We will take a look at the foundational beliefs that form us as Christians and United Methodists. Our first week is called Grow Deeply. It is all about love. Life in Christ, from a Wesleyan perspective, involves growth in grace and love. Our lives are rooted in God’s unbounded love and transformed by God’s…
The Neighbor
Who is our neighbor? The parable of the Good Samaritan reminds us that the outsider is our neighbor, perhaps even more a neighbor than the so called “insiders” across the street. Neighbors act with love and grace when it is least expected. Who are the neighbors in your life and how are you called to be a neighbor, inviting and welcoming in spite of perceived…
The Traveler
The traveler is always an outsider, visiting new places and adjusting to
customs and cultures outside their own experience. Jesus warns the
disciples that not everyone will welcome them on their journey. We too, will
suffer rejection on our journey as Jesus’ followers. Jesus wants us to make
the most of the places we are welcomed and not worry so much about the
The Homeless
There are homeless people all around us, some are without a physical
home and others without a spiritual home. This passage reminds us that
even Jesus was homeless. Even Jesus was cast out and turned away.
Whether we are welcoming those without a physical home or confronting
our own need to find a spiritual home in Christ, this week we claim the
reality of a new home as…
The Tormented
So many
struggle with demons that hold our spirits captive. The stigma of this
torment keeps us separated, holding life at arm’s length. Transformation
and healing is possible but it may need to start with the work of compassion
and truth-telling. How can we stay in conversation, not running and hiding
from the reality and pain of mental illness in our communities and be…
The Humble
So often, we find ourselves judging the sinners among us, forgetting our
own sin and failures. No matter our sins, no matter the sins of others, Jesus forgives those who come with humility and love, removing their outsider identity.
The Lonely
Have you ever felt utterly alone? Even for just a moment? Jesus knows this pain and raises us up to be comfort for one
another. How are we called to rise up and comfort the lonely?
The Worthy
Who is worthy of the love—of the grace—of God? This week Jesus
proclaims that what makes us worthy is not whether we are “in” or “out.” As
the church, we are called to affirm the worth of all people. How will we
welcome the worthy and tear down the division between inside and out?