Sermons by Pastor Steve Painter (Page 2)

Sermons by Pastor Steve Painter (Page 2)

Serve Impactfully

Each of the prior themes leads to the culminating idea that we are to serve others and impact the world. Because God’s grace is a lifelong journey, and because love is a verb that should be shared with all people, we are called and equipped to make a difference in the world. God invites us to partner in God’s mission of love. As Wesleyan Christians, therefore, we assume…

Love Actively

The word love, in its primary biblical root form, is a verb before it is a noun. ​Love is first something that we do, before it is something that we feel. In the Wesleyan tradition, we believe it is important to translate faith into loving action. Faith without works is dead. We view the Christian life as a dynamic journey rooted in a faith that works by love, leading to…