From the Pastor

From the Pastor

Weekly Update 2/19

     Jesus teaches “many things” from a boat to a crowd that has gathered on the seashore. He teaches in parables, including the parable of the sower — “let everyone with ears to hear listen!”  We often associate discipleship with “doing” — and certainly that is part of it. But we must also return time and again to the Teacher at the sea who offers us the stories that…

Weekly Update 1/22

     Jesus teaches “many things” from a boat to a crowd that has gathered on the seashore. He teaches in parables, including the parable of the sower — “let everyone with ears to hear listen!”  We often associate discipleship with “doing” — and certainly that is part of it. But we must also return time and again to the Teacher at the sea who offers us the stories that…

Weekly Update 12/11

    We move north to the tiny village of Nazareth. Although not so tiny anymore, in those days, Nazareth was a place where “everyone knows your name” since it could only support a limited amount of people from one small well of water. Mary is visited by the angel Gabriel with news that she would bear a son. Mary’s joy was not limited by the improbability that such a thing…

Weekly Update 11/26

River Of Life Family, As we head toward the end of 2024, I would like to share with you some changes that will be made to the structure of the Leadership Council of our church.  For the past few years, we have been operating the business of our church on a traditional leadership model that is comprised of a Finance Committee, a Trustees Committee, a Staff Parish…

Weekly Update 10/23

God’s creative activity is described as an ongoing active force for good.  Rather than fashioning us of something that could not change, the biblical metaphor is that we are fashioned of clay, a malleable substance that can be reshaped again and again.  When life requires change of us, let us embrace our ability to roll with it, for we were made for this!Sunday,…

Weekly Update 10/9

Each of the prior themes leads to the culminating idea that we are to serve others and impact the world.  Because God’s grace is a lifelong journey, and because love is a verb that should be shared with all people, we are called and equipped to make a difference in the world. God invites us to partner in God’s mission of love.  As Wesleyan Christians, therefore, we assume…
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