Weekly Updates

Weekly Updates

  • Weekly Update 1/22

         Jesus teaches “many things” from a boat to a crowd that has gathered on the seashore. He teaches in parables, including the parable of the sower — “let everyone with ears to hear listen!”  We often associate discipleship with “doing” — and certainly that is part of it. But we must also return time and again to the Teacher at the sea who offers us the stories that encourage, challenge, provoke and confuse.  We are to be thinking and discerning disciples who act out of understanding and compassion. 
    Sunday, January 26, 2025
    “Discipleship by the Sea – Listen”

    Behind the Curtain (Formerly From the Pastor)

    Upcoming Events

    • 1/22 Wednesday morning Bible Study 10am at ROL
    • 1/25 4E Leadership Summit at Palm Coast UMC 10-2pm
    • 1/25 Youth Trip to Rock the Universe at Universal Studios
    • 1/26 ROL Relay For Life Meeting after worship
    • 1/26 Youth Group at ROL every Sunday 6:30-7:30pm
    • 1/27 Monday evening Bible Study at Don Juan’s Mexican Restaurant at 6:30pm
    • 1/29 Wednesday morning Bible Study 10am at ROL
    • 1/30 Teen Sync LGBTQ Group 6-8pm 
    • 2/8 Women’s Winter Social 2-4pm at Stella’s home
    • 2/8 Youth “Camp In” 7pm-7am
    • 2/16 Valentine’s Day Youth Dinner FUNraiser
    • 3/1 Spring Clean Up Day 9-1pm
    • 3/17-3/21 Youth Mission Trip to Hendersonville, NC, spots still available, sign up with Kayla
    • 4/12 ROL Spring Carnival

    ROL Relay For Life Meeting 1/26

    Relay For Life meeting Sunday 1/26 after church if your interested in being apart of the team to help raise money for the American Cancer Society.  If you can’t make it & you want to be a part of Relay, please reach out to Becky Kimball 904.254.7325 or becky.kimball1961@gmail.com.

    Women’s Winter Social

    Women’s Winter Social is scheduled for February 8th from 2-4pm at Stella’s home!  This is a great time for the women at River of Life to share some fun and laughter!  Please register through the Church Center App to let us know you’re coming.

    Online Bible Study

    Everyone welcome to join the online Bible Readings as we journey through the Book of Psalms.  This is a 2 part series, Psalms 1-75 and then 76-150….5 chapters per week.  You can join at any time and if you get behind, just skip to where we are!  I will send you the next links for those of you already in the Online studies.  For anyone that wants to join, please reach out to stellakaypainter@gmail.com

    Spring Clean Up Day

    March 1, 9am-1pm

    Youth News

    Opportunities to Serve

    Seeking volunteers for Nursery, Preschool, Children’s Sunday School age, and Youth! Talk to Kayla and let’s get you set up!

    HUGS Food Assistance for St. Johns County Youth Contact Margaret Campbell

    Birthdays and Anniversaries

    Ricky Alford – January 6
    Olivia Bolick – January 9
    Aleshia Beery – January 9
    McKynzee Owens – January 19
    Jim Haugen – January 19
    Cam Walker – January 27
    Waylon Beery – January 27
    Tim Bell – January 30

    Please let us know if you are celebrating an Anniversary this January.

Weekly Update 1/22

     Jesus teaches “many things” from a boat to a crowd that has gathered on the seashore. He teaches in parables, including the parable of the sower — “let everyone with ears to hear listen!”  We often associate discipleship with “doing” — and certainly that is part of it. But we must also return time and again to the Teacher at the sea who offers us the stories that…

Weekly Update 12/11

    We move north to the tiny village of Nazareth. Although not so tiny anymore, in those days, Nazareth was a place where “everyone knows your name” since it could only support a limited amount of people from one small well of water. Mary is visited by the angel Gabriel with news that she would bear a son. Mary’s joy was not limited by the improbability that such a thing…

Weekly Update 11/26

River Of Life Family, As we head toward the end of 2024, I would like to share with you some changes that will be made to the structure of the Leadership Council of our church.  For the past few years, we have been operating the business of our church on a traditional leadership model that is comprised of a Finance Committee, a Trustees Committee, a Staff Parish…

Weekly Update 10/23

God’s creative activity is described as an ongoing active force for good.  Rather than fashioning us of something that could not change, the biblical metaphor is that we are fashioned of clay, a malleable substance that can be reshaped again and again.  When life requires change of us, let us embrace our ability to roll with it, for we were made for this!Sunday,…

Weekly Update 10/9

Each of the prior themes leads to the culminating idea that we are to serve others and impact the world.  Because God’s grace is a lifelong journey, and because love is a verb that should be shared with all people, we are called and equipped to make a difference in the world. God invites us to partner in God’s mission of love.  As Wesleyan Christians, therefore, we assume…

Weekly Update 9/25

The word love, in its primary biblical root form, is a verb before it is a noun. ​Love is first something that we do, before it is something that we feel.  In the Wesleyan tradition, we believe it is important to translate faith into loving action. Faith without works is dead. We view the Christian life as a dynamic journey rooted in a faith that works by love, leading to…
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